[[Sensation is vibration with information]] .
Anodea Judith describes it well in ‘Wheels of Life’ when discussing the sacral chakra. “Sensation is a valuable information source for all levels of consciousness. It provides the raw data that eventually becomes information, stored, and analyzed by the brain. Ignoring bodily sensations cuts us off from the valuable feelings and emotions that play a part in transferring information to the brain and in moving psychic and physiological energy through the body. Sensations are the building blocks of our feelings and emotions. Without them we are lifeless and disconnected.”
Give yourself permission to feel. Welcome sensation with compassion and curiosity. Rather than overanalyzing or dissociating, invite yourself to pause. Connect to your breath. Soften your tongue, face, and, belly. Rest into the felt experience of sensation and let your body, feelings, and emotions communicate with your brain. Notice sensation when you are holding a pose for a long time. Notice it when you are completely still. Notice sensation after you eat a meal or after you have a disagreement. Notice it when you are about to fall asleep and right after you wake up. Notice the sensation of joy, fear, anger, or grief. Hold space for sensation and allow it to help you grow closer to all aspects of yourself.

Sadhana with Sam: Sensation